Wisdom Wrap

Josai Toda Second president of the Soka Gakkai, in explaining the 15th chapter of the Lotus sutra coined a phrase to describe the Bodhisattvas who had “emerged from the earth” during the “ceremony in the air”. To emerge from the earth means to come from the place of...
Witness Preparation Also Requires Witness Training

Witness Preparation Also Requires Witness Training

Original Publication Date February 7, 2018 by Ric Dexter McKenzie was the perfect witness. The associate who interviewed him said so after the first time they talked. He was personable and he knew everything that had happened at the company. His deposition went well....
Witness Training – Ditch The Magic List

Witness Training – Ditch The Magic List

There is a 2500 year old story about a young counsellor who was trying to help a couple of guys find a path to greater wisdom. One was a blacksmith, the other was a tailor. The young man told the blacksmith to concentrate on how all things are connected, and he told...